Resolve to what…?

I guess today, people are supposed to resolve to do (or not do) things that will, perhaps, change the quality of their lives for the better. Usually, these are somewhat generic ideas with little real meaning. You know…I will lose weight…I will get organized…I will stop biting my nails…I will stop smoking…

For most of us, these “resolutions” are fleeting. We needed to do all of those things all along, but we chose to (mostly) ignore them. Why does changing the year on the calendar bring them to the forefront of our thinking? Maybe, it’s due to the passage of time being heralded in such a big way.

In the spirit of the day, I will share my resolve…

…to remove annoying tags from my clothing as soon as I notice them…

…to shred the shred-worthy mail the day it arrives…

…to wax my upper lip with some sort of consistency…

…to not be forced into social situations that require me to be around people with whom I do not want to spend time…

…to take more pictures…

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We’ll see where this takes us…

The edge

I am on the edge…

…of happiness

…of raw emotion

…of contentment

…of deep sadness

…of my breaking point

…of bursting with pride

…of hope for what the future will bring

…of fear for what the future will bring

…of the abyss that tears my heart

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